The story of this pork meat factory begins on the hills of Castel Castagna, at the foot of the Gran Sasso d'Italia mountain. Starting in the 70s, with the first breeding and continuing today, the intuition of a moment has become an entrepreneurial reality able to constantly innovate, and to believe that the typical products of Abruzzo represent excellence in the artisan production of salamis. A while later, an internal feed mill equipped with an automatic feeding system was added to the small pig breeding farm. The supervision and selection of the feed guaranteed, right from the beginning, a high quality meat.
On the basis of these results, a cured pork meat factory and slaughterhouse was started up in 1993.
Step after step, the Di Bernardo family has established an important brand, based on the belief that quality is the result of millennium wisdom on the part of the breeders, of the strength of their unwritten rules, made up of skillful actions, patience and passion for the territory. Loyal to this ideal, Giuseppe Di Bernardo and his wife Adina first, their children later, have demonstrated how the artisan knowledge of the past produces only healthy and genuine goodness, appreciated at every dinner table, in Italy and in the world.
"I Salumieri di Castel Castagna" is not simply a brand, it represents much more: the story of a family in love with their work and their territory where they were born and where they live.